I don't think there is a living adult in the modern world and age who has not heard of P.T. Barnum. His claim to fame was the Barnum and Bailey Circus. He was hugely successful and left a money making empire to his credit. One key thing that Barnum knew and is famous for quoting is this, "a sucker is born every minute." Wise wise words. He made a handsome living playing to the insatiable hunger of the every day person, by giving them what they wanted, or what they didn't KNOW they wanted. He created and mainstreamed things like the bearded lady, the fire man, the pygmy goat man and so on. As a people who could typically fall for a good sales pitch, this worked and worked well. Today in the television entertainment business this same business model is well at work. Here is the kicker. Just what actually could be legit is getting a bit harder to sniff out. Without getting into politics or religion, I do have my opinions on most of these characterizations that we as a people are consuming with such fury. Let's start with aliens.
On the show Ancient Aliens, everything that comes up in the world, these guys make out to be "from" aliens. There is debate from time to time with those who are believers in the Bible and it makes for some interesting content. This show has become so popular partly in fact that it generally ties into the mysteries of Roswell and what our government is covering up. Hmm, good play. Next we have shows on the History channel that are quite intriguing. One of the newest ones that I actually watched a few episodes of, is Cryptid: The Swamp Beast. This show is based largely on the things in the swamp that are killing animals, beheading people, mauling things into unrecognizable pieces. A common theme of the show is the reference to the French Louisiana legend of the Rougarou. The Rougarou is said to be a huge 9 ft tall man, wolf headed creature that stalks certain people and things. "If he gets a whiff of you, there is no escaping, you are dead!" He supposedly lives under the water during the day and roams the swamp at night. He is also said to be a shape shifter and can take any form he wants, including taking over a person's body. Interesting.
To me it is nothing but a spin on the wolf man or werewolf found in London and Europe. To the locals in Louisiana though, it IS part of life in a big way. I found this show to be compellingly done. It kind of started slow but then amped up and got more into the legend and sightings. While I was watching this particular show and advertisement came of for another new show debuting soon called Mountain Monsters.
This one I think is similar to many of the others in that it covers things like Bigfoot, the Rougarous, Skunk Ape, Loch Ness Monster and so on. What is interesting to me about all of these new shows that are popping up like weeds in our garden is that they are banking on folk lore. Again, the media is digging back into history to reinvent what they think will now work with a new audience. Sadly, film makers have been doing this for years!! How many times can you remake Spiderman, Superman, The Hulk!! I think that basically our entertainment industry is out of ideas. There is a saying that goes, "everything old will become new again." Wow, how apropos. Even with all the technology available, it seems like the human mind is in a state of stagnancy. I know there will always be those who will suck up and devour anything the entertainment media throws at them and I guess that is okay. I would rather see investment be made in things that matter or are less violent and gruesome. Let's have more of Jim Henson. More Muppets is never a bad thing. I am thrilled to see another Muppet film released right now. Those are whimsical, larger than life and totally not real, but they leave you smiling and happy, not wanting to hide away in your house or grab something and go on a rampage. As a guy whose college degree was partly in Film Production, I know it is ultimately all about the the almighty dollar. Money does pay bills and afford us a better way of living. At what cost though? If you look at legends like Loch Ness, he seems to be harmless, self sufficient, doesn't prey on anyone and just exists calmly and serenely. That is a legend I can accept.
I realize that people are not going to flock to theaters to see a movie about a docile lake creature that doesn't capsize boats and eat the crew. I can still wish for a society to re-emerge that embraces a more civil and healthy attitude though. So many programs today are about the end of times, zombies, invasions etc. If that is your cup of tea, go for it. Tune in, watch them, talk about them, fantasize about being part of them but please, please, do not get so wrapped up in that world that you lose track of reality. Many individuals will consume such media and then over time will snap. I am not against guns in the hands of responsible persons, including those in the everyday world; however, when persons start to think that everyone else is a zombie or that swamp creatures do exist and they are consumed with ridding the world of these things, that is when a serious problem is birthed. Our media needs to be more responsible. Sadly, I know in my heart and soul that the days of The Waltons, Leave it to Beaver, Happy Days and Back to the Future are over and will never return. That era, especially in America, was a much safer, grander time when men and women could laugh, help one another and do so genuinely. Granted there are still those types of people out there amid all this over the top content. I am one of them. Even wrestling back in the day was not chock full of lingerie matches and simulated sex acts like it is today. Shock value has taken over basic value- the value of human life, of morals, of ethics of common sense. Sorry producers, but there is no need to fuel people's imagination. We are plenty capable enough on our own to do that. I guess this has been more of a soap box than I intended. If that offends you, I apologize. If you are one that likes the way things currently are, then that is all you. For this old, basic kinda guy, I am not so convinced. Enjoy what you choose to enjoy, but do keep in check your mindset and what really matters. Each other. As Jerry Springer always says, " Take care of yourself, and each other."