Thursday, July 16, 2015


Most everyone knows the acronym T.K.O. as a technical knock out. With that, you probably see in your mind, boxers or MMA fighters going at it. There have been many epic fights over the years that still bring chills. Muhammed Ali, Joe Frazier, and even more current fights like the latest win by Ronda Rousey have all become hot topics throughout time.

If you are the average Joe on the street, chances are that you won't be in such fights as these. The kind of fights you WILL face are ones that are very common to thousands of people each and every day.
Finances is a big one. Even when you are prepared with a  game plan, an outlined schedule to save and makes ends meet, there are always things you do not plan for that require extra money. It is awesome when you are able to simply go to your account and pull out what you need to cover that unexpected expense. For most people though, that luxury isn't always there.

Even the best laid plans to save more and spend less often fall short. In those instances, yep, the fight is real and up close and personal. Having to cut some things, really buckle down and choose what has priority is not easy. We all like our extra things we enjoy doing, but the question is, at what cost?

Another area that we often find ourselves stuck battling can come be something simple like you forgot to wash your favorite shirt or dress. Easy fix! Kids that choose to misbehave is another one that can give even the most seasoned parent fits. Moving on.

Have you ever walked out to your car ready to just jump in and go somewhere like work, church, to grocery shop and your car has decided that THIS is the day to give you a hard time?? I think if you don't admit you've had one or more of those days, you just might be telling a little white lie! I have been very fortunate over the years to have only had car trouble that was pretty minor. Thanks to my Dad, I was taught enough to be able to repair a lot of things that can go wrong with a vehicle. There have been times though when a problem was out of my wheel house and I knew right away, "This I can't fix."  This week has been such a week. Our car has been having minor issues for a while now and on Sunday it did not want to cooperate. I've spend several days tinkering with it and have yet to find the answer.

Talk about a let down! At first I wasn't too concerned but the more I mess with it the more I want to get, well, fighting mad. In all honesty, that really doesn't help at all. Yea, it may make you feel better for a short while, but the problem will still be there waiting on you after you have had your tantrum.

I'm still not sure what it will take to get our car back on the road, but ya gotta just keep looking at options and keep after it. I think the word I want to convey to you all is this. We will face fights in our life. Some we will win and some we will lose. For me, it boils down to  attitude. You can either choose to have an attitude that tells you to just quit and give up, or you can choose to adopt the attitude that you WILL find a way to get through it, even if that means you suffer a Temporary Knock Out.  Whatever you face this week, hang in there, keep your chin up. There is always someone is much more dire straits than you are in. Keep your wits about you, keep to your Faith, say some prayers and everything will play out just as it should. You know, sometimes the best things come out of difficulty!!