Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Nobody REALLY knows

I've got it all together! I know Exactly what to do!      Ever met someone who always says that?  I think we all have. I'm sure at some point in my life, I may have even stated such sentiment. As much as we all want to think that we are totally in charge and know everything about everything, we really don't. Not always.

Always in life we have to live somewhat of a guessing game. So, you went to a job interview and are convinced that you sold yourself perfectly. The job is a shoe in.  Not so fast!  Even the best interviewers and employment experts can and will tell you, even when you are convinced, the one hiring still may not be.  Okay, let's say you are dating and meet someone, connect and things go pretty well. For a lot of people, they automatically assume "this is the one." Or, "this is a sure thing."  Again, not so fast!  Whether you are a girl or a guy, totally figuring out the opposite gender is NEVER going to happen! If it were possible, someone would have made a fortune selling and proving that their way or research tips always get the job done.   Alright, let's say there is a work situation where You are certain that you know the right answer. Perhaps your boss is lacking and his or her decisions aren't going right, in your opinion. You speak up, "What we really need to do is..."  Not so fast!  Granted for those who have been supervisors, in management etcetera,  we have a pretty good feel for the right work ethic, moral situation, and what is needed to keep things running smoothly at the office. Unless you have walked in those exact shoes and in the exact situation as your boss, well, I hate to say it but, you really may NOT know the right answer. It is fine to be confident. It is often encouraged. We need to all remember though, you cannot Google everything and trust it will be the correct answer for every situation.

I have interacted with a LOT of people over the years. I have made what I call, "good gut calls" and "bad gut calls."  What I mean by this is, there are times when you just act on impulse. On occasion those play out just fine. On others, not so much. A good gut call might be, for example, if you are a quarterback and you see the box collapsing around you and the play has been sniffed out. So, you decide to roll out and throw to an open receiver down field. Boom, score!! A bad one might be something like, your friends are all going out to party and you know they are gonna get wild and crazy, BUT you go anyway, knowing that you more than likely will give in.  In my experience, trusting your instincts usually is a safe bet.  Depending on how you were brought up, that instinct may be better or worse than others. I was brought up in a stable home with a good education, plenty of opportunity and a great support network. From all of that I honed an instinct that usually bodes well in most situations. Yes, I have made bad calls instinctively. Who hasn't!

Even in my times of poor judgment, things always work out. Why? Good question. There are several factors that one can have "going " for them. One could be smart friends. Another could be a belief in something bigger than you are, like God or religion. It could also be due to just pure luck.  As you grow older and hopefully wiser, there will be clues around every situation that you encounter. These clues may be totally obvious to you. They may also be hidden in plain sight. There is no sure fire way to learn how to read and understand these clues. It takes time, effort, experience, and sometimes a gamble.

The reason I wanted to write this post is because I know some people right now who are questioning their Know It All.  Questioning their instincts, if you will. To them I say, go with your gut in conjunction with your heart. What you have learned thus far in life, be it good or bad, can help guide you if you are willing to listen. You are a smart cookie, so don't underestimate yourself. If something seems unattainable, it just might be attainable. If something doesn't feel right and you smell a rat instinctively, then you probably need to re-evaluate.  Try to make wise choices but if you slip up and don't, have enough confidence in yourself to bounce right back up on your feet and keep on going!!