This past year or so I myself had experienced the onslaught of upheaval. Roots that had grown so deep and were established for decades became victim to the elements. We often go through seasons of life wherein we feel comfortable, confident and even bulletproof. That was me, my status, my norm. As a human being, we are made to live among others, some of which do not share the same preventative measures, the same values, the same mindset as do we. Spilled milk syndrome? Absolutely not.

How we handle the actions of others is paramount to our very survival and ultimate happiness. Of late, it seems that our world is in quite the state of chaos. Viruses both in a cyber format and physical nature have taken its toll on the sanity and stability of us all. Never in my 51 years of life have I witnessed such angst, aggression, disdain for one another as I do now. While there are always two sides to every coin, two sides to every argument, at the end of the day, it must be imperative that we as human beings not only learn to, but also put into practice, caring for each other.
My life's upheaval was unexpected and in many ways pretty toxic. Those involved all disappeared with the aid of father time and distance. For that I am very grateful. I am a firm believer that if you live well, behave well, treat man as your equal, show love, patience, and understanding, that for the most part you will reap what you sow. Harmony and Blessing.
 A father and his son were at a sporting event. The father was hollering in fevered delight as his team scored over and again with ease against the opponent. His son asked his father, " Daddy, why are you yelling so much and grinning?" His father replied, "My team, they are playing awesomely! Can't you see that?" The son a little distraught had to reply, "No daddy, I can't see what you see. I'm way down here." The father then realized that perspective has a huge impact on Us. His son couldn't join in on the celebration because he could not see it. My point is this: To some, the world we are living in has indeed gone mad. No I do not agree with much that is happening, much of what is being pushed to the forefront and being pressed to be the new norm. But, at the same time, I must see the bigger picture, the picture from My perspective. Of course, perspective can change but that is not a guarantee.
Whether your team is winning or the other team is, and whether or not you are able to see it with your own eyes, that still does not change the outcome. What I do know is, changes are happening every day. The lives we have lived for so long, that routine we love, those people we adore, those places we enjoy visiting, freedoms we deem important, All of that is changing.
We can agree to disagree, and we can stand our individual ground in the process. At the end of the day, we are all human beings on the same blue ball called Earth. What happens to one, will in turn affect another even if it takes some time for that to happen. For me, I choose to adhere to my beliefs, stand for what I feel and am convicted is right, and all the while, show love and patience to both those in the boat with me and those who are not.
In closing, my grandpa had a saying that I find absolute gold. He often told me, "You can have character, or you can BE a character." WOW! There are many characters among us. Choose to not be one, but rather have character, be a man of your word, being reliable, loving, helpful. Those attributes are becoming much more sparse but remain pivotal in every generation.
Be safe out there. Find someone to lend a hand to. And, know, you are not alone in doing good.