Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Product of......

Before blogging, social media sites, or even mainstream internet and mass corruption in Hollywood, there was the 1980's. Everyone has that era that they grew up in that they swear was the best ever. For many it is the 60's or 70's and for even some younger folks it was the 90's. I spent my best years attending middle and high school during the 1980's. Were they perfect years with perfect memories and perfect everything else? nah, but they were pretty darn cool! For me, looking back, I really cannot see myself spending my teenage years in any other era of history. As an adult though, I would gladly go back to the 1800's where you traveled by horse back and you used oil lamps and outhouses. Where men could defend their honor and their families right then and there with the aid of a Smith & Wesson and do so without any direct legal red tape processes. But, I've gotta say, the 80's were very good to me. 

Every decade has its distinct music, movies, political figures, world events that shapes it and the decades to follow. No one can deny that fact. I admittedly am a bit biased as far as the 80's go. I think the best movies, like Top Gun, The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future and others, the best musical talent, like Guns and Roses, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Heart, and the best days all came from this decade. I know, not everyone will agree with me and I welcome that difference of opinion. There seemed to be such a pride in our nation, a joy in the heart of the common man and a hunger to excel that has not since been duplicated. Oh, the stories I could tell! Beyond the "things" that the 80's brought about, I still hold dear to a couple of things that are totally unique and priceless. While attending middle school I met a guy named Fred. To this very day we are still best friends. We have been through SO much together. My freshman year of high school, I met another guy named Michael. and like Fred, to this very day WE are still the best of friends. These "things" are honest to God, long lasting, life time friendships. 

The three of us, grew up living life to its very fullest with no regrets, no fear and believing that nothing could stand in our way. In most cases, we were right. We dated the same girls, drove our cars too fast, took risks, made some poor choices, but back then that was okay. I'm not condoning breaking the law by any means, but it was a time that was safer, more stable and you could actually trust your neighbor. I miss those days from time to time. I see television shows and movies today that more and more show perversion, vampires, death and violence and it is all made to seem normal and acceptable. Alf, Growing Pains, even MTV taught lessons that made us think and made us aware of the dangers of poor choices and also the benefit of wise ones. The music wasn't all consumed with having sex and being high and drunk. You didn't see Twerking and the Dougie back then! I admit, today's stuff isn't all bad. There are some really great programs, media, literature and ideas that have great merit and value. Yet, I am old school. I believe in family values and in the ability of the person to have some moral fiber about them, to stop and help the person with car trouble or to spend a few bucks and take groceries to that single mom who lost her job. There are a lot of people out there just like me. For that I am glad. 

Technology of today affords us so many more avenues to do good, connect with people and make a difference. Without Facebook, for example, I would not be able to stay in touch with my northern cousins and their families that I didn't see or talk to for 20 years. Without the convenience of email, I wouldn't be able to send a note of encouragement to a friend in an instant. Without Skype, I would be unable to see the faces of people I love, watch them smile and share their tears. Today is not that bad. Yea, we have challenges with the economy, government, each other, yet we as a people, human beings, continue to seek out the best in one another. So, although you will often find me tuned in to Pandora listening to 80's music or watching re-runs of Magnum P.I., I am happy to be where I am, in this era, this decade and thankful. Whatever YOUR favorite time has been, don't let that go. Hold on to it and treasure it. By doing so, that further makes you the person you are today. And I like that person you are!! 

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