Monday, January 13, 2014

Falling off the horse

After 2 weeks of unusually frigid temps here on the Florida Gulf Coast, there was a slight return to normal weather this past weekend. Temps today were close to 60 degrees with partly cloudy skies. I had really been hit with cabin fever with the weather of late so today I decided to go out and do something that I enjoyed. We attended a birthday party for one of my son's friends Saturday and while we were there I ran into a friend who used to let me come down to his place and ride/work with his horses. I hadn't been down there since moving back from Tennessee but once and, even then, I felt a bit out of sorts. Bill told me the horses missed me and to please come on down. So, today I made the decision to venture into the outdoors, enjoy the much improved weather and go visit the horses. 

When I used to go a few years ago, Bill had this one horse that I loved to death! His spunk and stubbornness reminded me of a horse I owned over 10 years ago. From day one, Sport won me over with his arrogant nature, his speed and his curiosity. Showing up to see him today after several years being remiss, I wondered how well he would remember me. Horses are pretty darn good at remembering all sorts of things, good and bad, so I was pretty optimistic.  My friend had said that Sport had been kind of sick and in his stall a lot lately and that keeping his weight up had been a challenge. When I pulled into the barn area today I spotted 2 horses by the fence and 2 beside the barn. I got out with my bag of goodies and a couple grooming brushes and set out to find my buddy. The first place I went was to the nearby fence to greet the 2 horses there whose eyes were locked right on me. They were hesitant of course but let me rub their ears and love on them a bit. I went on into the  barn looking in the stalls for Sport. He was nowhere to be found. My heart sunk. I rounded the corner, went through the gate and found 2 horses I had never seen before. One, a paint filly and another a mare. Sweet as they could be. I took a minute to feed them a couple of baby carrots and was then off into the fields. Way out in the distance I saw this horse lying down. It had to be Sport, I thought. As I got closer, I realized I was right.

When you walk up onto any horse, especially one that is lying down, you need to have good awareness about you. Although, I have been around horses and owned them throughout my adult life, my skill at identifying their body language proved a bit rusty. This became apparent quickly when Sport decided to get up rather quickly and retreat a bit. I pulled out my baby carrots and began talking to him like I used to, calling his name and whispering reassurances. My heart was pounding with excitement! I took my time approaching him. Within just a minute or so he was eating out of the palm of my hand like a day had never passed. What a sweet reunion. I spent the next hour and 1/2 with him and the other horses this morning, pacifying them with snacks and goodies as I tried to brush out their manes. It was a glorious time of therapy for me. I think it was for them as well. 

As the rain clouds grew closer, I knew my time there was wrapping up for the day. I said my goodbyes, gave each horse one last carrot, a rub on the ears and a kiss on the nose. When I got back in my truck to leave I knew, I knew that I had let myself fall off of the horse, not literally, this time anyway, but figuratively. Yes, I had to stop coming to see Sport a few years ago because I didn't have a vehicle to traverse the road down to the pasture. And yes, I moved away for 2 years. But yes, I had not made a solid effort to "reconnect" in the past year since I moved back. This is the horse I had fallen off of. It had been a choice. Looking back over the past year, I would say a bad choice. Granted, Sport and the other horses don't need me to sustain their daily lives, but at the same time, what a better year might I have had, and them, if I had come back to the pasture sooner. I wonder. There is no time to cry over spilled milk the saying goes. This is true. The joy I felt today is something that I am determined to repeat and often. I messaged Bill thanking him for the opportunity and trust in me once I got back home. I also told him I would be back soon. This time I meant it. 

My whole point of today's post is kind of a wake up call. When there is something that you enjoy, something that makes you feel complete and happy, something that may make someone or some thing feel the same way, don't make excuses! Get off your back side and just make it happen! Sure, in today's world finances are tight for everyone. Time is tight for many as well. You cannot put a price on sanity and therapy is expensive! I spent just over a dollar on carrots today. Everyone can spend that or a little more and use that in your escape. You may be saying that, you don't like horses or don't like to fish, or camp or go to movies or whatever. That is okay. My whole thing is, find something that calms you down, inspires you and brings you joy. Maybe it's reading my blog! lol. I leave you this evening with the unparalleled truth that if you take care of your body and mind, 99% of the time you will be a much better person for it day in and day out. I close with the old adage, "Take time to smell the roses."


  1. Ok maybe I have it figured out. Years ago while living in Ensley we had a horse name Thunder. Thunder and I were not the best of friends. You see I was afraid of her and Thunder was well aware of this. My sister Wanda made me go and feed that horse. I did survive. Animals are indeed a great resource to helping people. My grandson, Justin who has Downs had horse therapy when he was about five. This helped him to walk.

    1. Horses, Bees and Dogs can literally smell when a person has fear. It is a common thing for persons to Fear an animal as large as a horse. I guess for me, I was too stupid to recognize that fear as a youngster! Glad you survived!! I am so glad that Justin is able to take advantage of the therapy a horse can bring. Perhaps even you, one day, will find that also with the right, sweet horse. If we get horses again one day, you are more than welcome to come and visit.
