After having been in this great, crazy old world for almost 45 years now, I 've discovered quite a few things. The one major theme that surround everything and includes US are the nuts and bolts. All around us are items, buildings, vehicles, structures etc. that are constructed with some type of nuts and bolts. These fixtures hold things together, help them function and ensure that they are usable. When you think about it, people are no different. No matter our ethnicity, our physical make up, our emotional state of mind, our education or our geographic location, we are all uniquely crafted. We are made up of so many different factors yet we are designed to function. Like cars, old bicycles, and machines, there will always be nuts and bolts that need replacing or tightening. How this ongoing "maintenance" happens is varied. We are human being are just the same. Throughout our lifetime, no matter how long or short, there are many variables that keep us fluid, functioning and even rehab us when necessary. I know in your mind right now you are probably thinking of a hundred different things that do this for us as people.
These are just a few that
- Friends
- Family
- Jobs
- Beliefs
- Morals
- Ethics
- Hobbies
We know what is best for our person. We know what people, surrounding and input best suits us. Now, in closing.........We also know, if we dig down deep within ourselves, what maintenance we can provide to others. Yes, others need maintenance too! See, there is our family that we hopefully have a close enough relationship with that we will bend over backwards to help them. Then there are close friends to whom we give a listening ear or advice and encourage. There are acquaintances to whom we offer a smile or a thumbs up or a like through social media. Then there are also strangers, people we have not even met as of yet. What can we do for them? How can we be a help and not a hindrance? THESE are the things I want to leave with you. Those 2 questions. Times of introspection are often some of the best times we can choose to have. Within these times, if we embrace them, we can find new hope, new ideas and even ways to refresh ourselves and rehab from within so that we are certain to help others and not be an object of stumbling.
Go, seize your day, enjoy the choices you make, and choose wisely the paths you take, step by step.
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